Dr. Fabricio Guariglia, Director of the Prosecutions Division of the ICC.
Merixell Regué.
21st of January 2019 to 22nd of April 2019. 1 week of presentation, 10 weeks of consecutive teaching and 1 final week of evaluation/retrieval with a previous week off.
5 evaluative tests with a load of 20% on the final grade. There is no final test. Delivery of suspended or non-delivered works: last week (15th of April 2019).
Dr. Estéban Peralta. Chief, Counsel Support Section at the International Criminal Court.
Dra. Dignite Bwiza, Defence Team, Charles Blé Goudé & Kisangani Bar Association (DR Congo) & Witwatersrand University, International Criminal Court, Brussels Bar Association.
Sr. Daniel Rezene Mekonnen, Lawyer, President of the Bar Association of Eritrea (in exile).
21st of January 2019 to 22nd of April 2019. 1 week of presentation, 10 weeks of consecutive teaching and 1 final week of evaluation/retrieval with a previous week off.
5 evaluative tests with a load of 20% on the final grade. There is no final test. Delivery of suspended or non-delivered works: last week (15th of April 2019).
Dr. Jaume Antich Soler, Abogado ICAB, ICAB Lawyer, Dr. in Criminal Law and member of the ICB.
Dra. Paramonova Svetlana Leonidovna, Professor of Comparative Criminal Law. Free University of Brussels.
Dignite Bwiza, Defence Team, Charles Blé Goudé & Kisangani Bar Association (DR Congo) & Witwatersrand University, International Criminal Court, Brussels Bar Association.
Sr. Blas J. Imbroda Ortiz, President of the ICB, Professor of Law at the University of Granada and Dean of the Illustrious Bar Association of Melilla.
21st of January 2019 to 22nd of April 2019. 1 week of presentation, 10 weeks of consecutive teaching and 1 final week of evaluation/retrieval with a previous week off.
5 evaluative tests with a load of 20% on the final grade. There is no final test. Delivery of suspended or non-delivered works: last week (15th of April 2019).
Dr. Pierre Alexandre Kopp, Professor at Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Visiting Professor at EHESE of Moscow. Lawyer at the Bar of Paris.
Dra. Paramonova Svetlana Leonidovna, Professor of Comparative Criminal Law. Free University of Brussels).
Dignite Bwiza, Defence Team, Charles Blé Goudé & Kisangani Bar Association (DR Congo) & Witwatersrand University, International Criminal Court, Brussels Bar Association.
Dr. Jaume Antich Soler, ICAB Lawyer, Dr. in Criminal Law and member of the ICB.
17th of September 2018 to 17th of December 2018. 1 week of presentation, 10 weeks of consecutive teaching and 1 final week of evaluation/retrieval with a previous week off.
5 evaluative tests with a load of 20% on the final grade. There is no final test. Delivery of suspended or non-delivered works: last week (10 of December).
Dr. Alejandro Kiss.
Sr. Blas J. Imbroda Ortiz, President of the ICB, Professor of Law at the University of Granada and Dean of the Illustrious Bar Association of Melilla.
Dr. Esteban Peralta Losilla. Chief, Counsel Support Section at the International Criminal Court.
17th of September 2018 to 17th of December 2018. 1 week of presentation, 10 weeks of consecutive teaching and 1 final week of evaluation/retrieval with a previous week off.
5 evaluative tests with a load of 20% on the final grade. There is no final test. Delivery of suspended or non-delivered works: last week (10 of December).
Dr. Antoni Pigrau Solé, Professor of Public International Law at the Rovira i Virgili University (URV).
Dra. Paramonova Svetlana Leonidovna, Professor of Comparative Criminal Law. Free University of Brussels).
Dignite Bwiza.
17th of September 2018 to 17th of December 2018. 1 week of presentation, 10 weeks of consecutive teaching and 1 final week of evaluation/retrieval with a previous week off.
5 evaluative tests with a load of 20% on the final grade. There is no final test. Delivery of suspended or non-delivered works: last week (10 of December).
Mrs. Erika Torregrossa Acuña. Associated Proffessor of Criminal Law at Universitat de Barcelona, Secretary General of the ICB, lawyer.
Centro de Derecho Internacional Humanitario de Cruz Roja Española. (Center for International Humanitarian Law of the Spanish Red Cross)
Dr. Luz Elena Mira Olano. Doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas, Magister en Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Derecho Internacional; Especialista en Derecho Penal; Decana de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Forenses del Tecnológico de Antioquia Institución Universitaria; Docente Universitaria e Investigadora.
16th April 2018 to 16th July 2018. 1 week of presentation, 10 weeks of consecutive teaching and 1 final week of evaluation/retrieval with a previous week off.
5 evaluative tests with a load of 20% on the final grade. There is no final test. Delivery of suspended or non-delivered works: last week (9 of July).
Dra. Luz Elena Mira Olano, Doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas, Magister en Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Derecho Internacional; Especialista en Derecho Penal; Decana de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Forenses del Tecnológico de Antioquia Institución Universitaria; Docente Universitaria e Investigadora.
Dr. Santiago Castellà Surribas, Professor of International Public Law and International Relations of the Rovira i Virgili University.
16th April 2018 to 16th July 2018. 1 week of presentation, 10 weeks of consecutive teaching and 1 final week of evaluation/retrieval with a previous week off.
5 evaluative tests with a load of 20% on the final grade. There is no final test. Delivery of suspended or non-delivered works: last week (9 of July).
Dr. Santiago Castellà Surribas, Professor of International Public Law and International Relations of the Rovira i Virgili University.
Dr. Luis Ojeda Ruiz, Investigator, Colaborator of the Université du Luxembourg.
16th April 2018 to 16th July 2018. 1 week of presentation, 10 weeks of consecutive teaching and 1 final week of evaluation/retrieval with a previous week off.
5 evaluative tests with a load of 20% on the final grade. There is no final test. Delivery of suspended or non-delivered works: last week (9 of July).
Each subject will be taught in 12 weeks: the first one of presentation, 10 of teaching activity, and the last one of final evaluation. The courses will be arranged in 10 subjects. Each subject will be worked for a week.
Continuous evaluation: Each subject will have 5 evaluative tests (every two weeks), all of them with the same weight in the final grade (if there is no final test, each of the 5 evaluative tests would have a weight of 20% of the final grade).
Each subject will have a final evaluation test that cannot have a weight higher than 50% of the final grade.
Two weeks of 'stage' (work practices) in Tarragona to give a final and joint reading of all the subjects and work on an intensive case study. This includes a visit to the International Court of Justice and other international institutions in The Hague.
The registration includes the contents but not the travel or accommodation expenses.
Exceptionally, and for the consideration of the Academic Committee, this period will be validated by accredited comparable activities.
At the beginning of the second semester (September 2018) all students must present a proposal of topic and a research scheme to their tutors according with the instructions provided.
Each student will be assigned a tutor for the direction of their research work.
This work will be about an unprecedented or very little worked subject, it will have an extension of more than 60 pages and it will be adapted to the structure and citation norms of the university research works.
The idea is to have a Master focused (and which has as a guiding thread) in the International Criminal Court, use training to able students to exercise in/and before the International Criminal Court and to use the national mechanisms of International Criminal Justice. It will open the possibility of doing internships (optional) in different international institutions related to the themes of the Master.
The structure of the Master consist in 9 courses divided in three blocks plus a final Project. A Master’s Degree needs to have a minimum of 60 credits. Those would be as follows.