Works of the fifth session of member states have been inaugurated in Hague on Wednesday, morning, 16th November 2016.

Head of the session has delivered speech as well as Prince Zaid Bin Raad, the higher delegate of the United Nations for Human Rights in Geneva, President of the Court Silvia Gormandi and General Prosecutor of the Court Judge/ Vatu Bensoda in the opening session. The following are the main matters discussed in the session:


The speech of current president of the session:

* He referred to the criticism directed to the court that it is biased and racial judicial authority and there is a feeling of injustice between some African countries.

* He confirmed that Burundi, South Africa and Gambia that their dominant right to withdraw from the court members but he called them to reconsider their withdrawal decision.

* He referred that feeling of double standard of international justice application which lead to make International Criminal Court as a victim of this position. He claimed to support the court capabilities confirming necessity of the court independency and give it the international support particularly in the extreme terrorism facing our world.

* Also, he confirmed that Veto right isn’t a privilege claiming this right must not be used but in the criminal assaults.

Price Zaid Bin Raad’s Speech:

* He accused some countries that pretending compliance with the court law (in a reference to African country) that they want to withdraw to protect their leaders confirming that these country will get hurt of such decision.

* States association invites all parties neither intervene with the court regulations nor change its mechanism and systems.

* The African countries are the backbone of this court and he requested all parties to work for protecting the court regulations and victims of these crimes.

* He referred that the court isn’t perfect but it is the best we have now. Also, he claims to get rid of to protect people’s life in this messy world. He asked all parties to stand together for achieving international justice.

President of the Court/ Silvia Gormandi’s Speech:

* She confirmed that the court is committed for dialogue with all countries. The court committees are working to improve its mechanism to be more effective.

* The court is the last resort for all victims when their national court failed to retribution.

* She flattered the main cooperation with the United Nations and General Secretary and with peacemaking troops. As well, he praised role of New York Communication office in support the court teams in Republic of Central Africa.

* She requested to open communication office with African Union because it will assisting in enhancing efforts of avoiding escaping from justice.

* She confirms that the court works to fight any violation of intellectual properties, children recruitment and exploitation in the wars and sex assault cases. The court will work to pursue the criminals.

* She confirms to intensify the court teams in the fields and the court should work for applying commandments of the member states and civil community organizations during the last session.

* She confirmed principle of globe Rome Memorandum of Association which is considered the main priority in the court action plan to enlarge the memorandum effectiveness.

Prosecutor General of the Court/ Vatu Bensoda Speech:

* She expresses its sorrowfulness for withdrawal of Burundi, South Africa and Gambia of the court membership.

* Independency and neutralism principle is the main pillar of commitment with Rome Memorandum of Association. Withdrawal of such countries will not affect this Memorandum but it will lead to delay of the court efforts. It is our concern to stop escaping of punishment.

* On 2016, the Prosecutor General initialized investigations in ten cases Afghanistan, Burundi, Palestine, British Forces in Iraq, Comoros and Gabon and it condemned seven criminals since 2010.

* Prosecution office will not accept any attempts to terrify the witnesses. The court was able to specify some criminals in army leaders at Republic of Central Africa.

* Criminals of assaults on heritage locations are condemned. The court is working to get rid of such crimes.

* She confirms that Prosecution General Office has adopted an initiation for the children whom are suffering under armed disputes and sexual assault exploitation.

* There is a bad need to enhance financial resources for Prosecution General Office and the Court to enable them for executing their responsibilities and duties.

* She requested that it is a must to activate Rome Memorandum of Association. Although crimes and disputes are spreading in many countries around the world, the international community is working to enhance principle of law dominance to enable creating a world three free of aggression and crimes.

Coalition for the International Criminal Court


El CAPI desea informarles del anuncio oficial del Master en Justicia Penal Internacional creado en colaboración con la Universidad Rovira i Virgili

4ª Reunión Internacional de la Oficina de la Defensa

25 y 26 Noviembre 2016 Londres, Inglaterra



Defence Office of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon

Dear Madam, Sir,

The Defence Office of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon thank you again for your participation in the Fourth International Meetings of Defence Offices which were held in London, on 25th and 26th of November 2016.

Please find attached the Summary report of the Meetings in French, English and Arabic. 

You will also find attached the questionnaire on Defence Investigations, which we thank you for completing in the language of your choice, and sending back to us, if you have not already done so. As Johann said during the Meetings,your answers will be very useful in that they will illustrate the Guide to Investigations with concrete examples from you experience.

Thank you again for your participation and we hope to see you again in Nuremberg for the Fifth Meetings in 2017.

Kind regards,