
El próximo jueves 22 de septiembre, a las 19:00 horas en la sede del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona en la calle Mallorca, se celebra  la Mesa Redonda JUSTICIA TRANSICIONAL ACUERDOS DE PAZ EN COLOMBIA, hacia la construcción de una paz estable y duradera, Erika Torregrossa, miembro del BPI-ICB CAPI, organiza y participa en dicha Mesa Redonda, aportando su experiencia en justicia penal internacional.

Entre otros, la Mesa Redonda contará con la presencia del ex comandante de las FARC y ahora activista por la paz, el Sr. Arteta. 

La asistencia es gratuita, por lo que os animamos a asistir.



For the first time on our website, an article published by "The Global Legal Post" which shows us a very interesting project for all who are dedicated to criminal law.

This is a very useful tool especially for students and teachers of criminal law in order to gain experience and understand procedures thanks to new technologies.

Then we transcribe the complete article.

Our colleague, Professor Dragos Chilea in colaboracón with the University of Targu Mures, Romania, have pleased to invite you to attend the International Conference on Law and Public Administration - 5th edition -  on the theme "JUSTICE AND DEMOCRACY”

All the information within the article

21 African civil society groups and international organizations with a presence in Africa released a short but compelling activist video today entitled “AU: Activists Challenge Attacks on ICC.” The project features African activists from many of our CICC member organizations as well as from CICC (Stephen Lamony, Senior Advisor on AU, UN and Africa Situations, and Clément Capo-Chichi, Africa Regional Coordinator) clearing misconceptions about the ICC vis-à-vis Africa, and making the case for African states to engage positively with the ICC.


Mir Ahmed, a colleague and member of the Defence Team of Mir Quasem Ali in Bangladesh, War Crimes Tribunal, was abducted last week. Mir Ahmed is a member of the Bar of England and Wales and the Bangladesh Bar.  He is an essential member of the international defence team in Dhaka on the war crimes trials and his father is Mir Quasem Ali who has been convicted by the Bangladesh Tribunal under the most appalling circumstances and is facing execution in a matter of weeks.
On 12 August 2016, Toby Cadman submitted an Urgent Communication to the following UN institutions, asking for urgent support:
- United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Working Groups on Arbitrary Detention and Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances),
- The Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, 
- The Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders,
- The Special Rapporteur on the Promotion of and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism, 
- The Special Rapporteur on Torture.
We are calling for public support by our friends and colleagues from the international legal profession to highlight the most recent attack on the legal profession in Bangladesh.
If you have any further questions, lease do not hesitate to contact Toby Cadman Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
Thank you so much in advance!

On 11 July 2016, Pre-Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court (ICC) decided that the Republics of Uganda and Djibouti had failed to comply with the request for arrest and surrender of Omar Al Bashir to the ICC and referred the matter to the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute and the United Nations Security Council. It is now up to them to take the measures they deem necessary regarding this matter.

Again, hatred has caused deaths. Again, a single individual is able to show the vulnerability of our entire society.

A terrorist act, an act of brutality, of a sick person who thought and believed that fighting a disease, according to the words of the progenitor of the murderer of more than 50 people during the early hours of Saturday, her son was upset after seeing two people kissing.

The terrorist group DAESCH has been quick to claim the attack, proud to have truncated the lives of many people. Infidels all, all sinners.

Not much more information about what happened, it seems that once again, a few have violated the rules, the rules have skipped.

From the BPI-ICB, we want to show our condolences to all the relatives and friends of the victims and offer our help as much as possible.

Human rights and justice are our weapons and our reason for being, and with each blow to these two basic principles of humanity, we become stronger and more aware that we must continue working.

Coalition for the International Criminal Court



L'ICB souhaite vous informer de l'Annonce Officielle du Master en Justice Pénale International crée en collaboration avec l'Université Rovira i Virgili

4Èmes Rencontres Internationales Des Bureaux De La Défense

25 & 26 novembre 2016 Londres



Bureau de la Défense du Tribunal Spécial pour le Liban

Madame, Monsieur, 

Le Bureau de la Défense du Tribunal Spécial pour le Liban vous remercie de votre participation aux Quatrièmes Rencontres Internationales des Bureaux de la Défense, qui se sont tenues à Londres les 25 et 26 novembre 2016. 

Veuillez trouver ci-joint le Rapport de synthèse des Quatrièmes Rencontres en français, anglais et arabe.

Vous trouverez également ci-joint le questionnaire sur les enquêtes de la Défense, que nous vous remercions de remplir dans la langue de votre choix et de nous renvoyer, si vous ne l'avez pas déjà fait. Comme Johann vous l'a indiqué lors des Rencontres, vos réponses seront très utiles en ce qu'elles permettront d'illustrer le Guide des enquêtes d’exemples concrets tirés de votre expérience.

En vous remerciant encore pour votre participation et au plaisir de vous revoir à Nuremberg pour les Cinquièmes Rencontres en 2017.

Bien cordialement